History of Present Illness:

An elderly male with a history of bradycardia and HTN only on HCTZ presents for generalized weakness and a fall.  He was on his bedroom floor all night.  He denies pain in the chest or other complaints.

Vital Signs & Physical Exam:

Vital signs are normal except for a pulse of 40 .  Physical exam is otherwise normal but she is in the hallway.

An ECG is done

Computer Read: SB at 40 with first degree AVB, LAFB and moderate TWA


What is the most likely rhythm in this patient?

  • A) Sinus bradycardia with PAC’s
  • B) 1st degree AV block
  • C) 2nd degree AV block, type 1 
  • D) 2nd degree AV block, type 2
  • E) 3rd degree AV block 



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ECG interpretation: The ECG shows 2 P waves for every QRS so there is 2 to 1 heart block (n many of the leads every other P wave is partially hidden at the end of the T wave).  There are also inverted and/or biphasic T waves in the lateral and precordial leads that could be from ischemic reperfusion (Wellens waves)

ANSWER: What is the most likely rhythm in this patient?

  • A) Sinus bradycardia with PAC’s
  • B) 1st degree AV block
  • C) 2nd degree AV block, type 1 – CORRECT – This is most likely than type 2.  However, since block is 2:1 safer to assume it is or could be type 2
  • D) 2nd degree AV block, type 2
  • E) 3rd degree AV block 

1-Minute EM Consult on the topic for this case from the Emergency Medicine 1-minute Consult Pocketbook