Tuesdays with Dr. Greg Henry: A Final Farewell
- “The white blood cell count is the last refuge of the intellectually destitute.”
- “The biggest impediment to the correct diagnosis is the previous diagnosis.”
- “There are three great lies in life—the check is in the mail, size doesn’t matter, and all systems reviewed and otherwise negative.”
- “Medicine is show business for ugly people.”
- “You can call me a bad husband. You can call be a bad father. But don’t you ever call me a bad doctor; now I’m offended.”
- “When a patient bounces back, they are giving you another chance to get the diagnosis right. If someone comes to the ED three times, then admit them. I don’t care if it’s the pizza guy delivering a pizza. If he comes to the ED three times, I admit him.”
- “To diagnose a stroke: Watch them walk. Listen to them talk. Look at their eyes. Your neuro exam is never done until you’ve watched them walk.”
- “In medicine and life, don’t ask questions you don’t really want to know the answer to. I’m happily married … so why would I ask my wife if she’s cheating on me?”
- “The mortality rate in this country has not changed—it is still one.”
- “Every time I put on the white coat, I stop for two minutes and remember Galen and Hippocrates. ‘To whatever house I shall enter, it shall be for the benefit of the sick.’ At that moment I am Doctor of Medicine; I carry with me a 2,500-year tradition, and shame on me if I do not carry it out with dignity for the next eight hours. . For that period of time, I am the agent and servant of the patient—I am proud to be the servant of the sick. I put on that coat and I’m a better person.”
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