When I tell people I am an ER doctor, one of the most common reactions I get is “You must have some crazy stories!” often followed by, “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen?” The answers to this question as well as important safety lessons are contained to different degrees in the books below. These books are meant to do more than just entertain. They could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, hours of your time, serious injury and even your life. Makes a great gift or party favor.
YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP: True Stories from the ER
Over 200 of the most unusual things I’ve seen working in the ER over the last 25 years from A to Z including chapters on Animals, Foreign Bodies, Genitalia, Lives Saved, Mimics, Touching Stories, Rare but Deadly, Sad Cases, Trauma, Ultrasounds, Zebras and more. 98 pages
If “Buy now” buttons are malfunctioning you can instead email me at bradysan@hotmail.com. Send you mailing address and the products you want to purchase. You can then Venmo me at @David-Pregerson or mail a check. You will need to add ~$2.50 per book for shipping and handling.
THINK TWICE: More Lessons from the ER
More safety lessons, more learning from the mistakes of others, more funny pictures, and more ways to stay alive or at least stay out of the ER. Plus a table of adult vaccines & screening tests. Serious yet humorous, this is a book people will actually read.
If “Buy now” buttons are malfunctioning you can instead email me at bradysan@hotmail.com. Send you mailing address and the products you want to purchase. You can then Venmo me at @David-Pregerson or mail a check. You will need to add ~$2.50 per book for shipping and handling.
Don’t Try This at Home (pocket version)
An ounce of prevention is better than 6 hours stuck in the ER. Read and learn from the mistakes of others (with a laugh here and there). Here are 147 things not to do unless you want to end up as a patient in the ER.
If “Buy now” buttons are malfunctioning you can instead email me at bradysan@hotmail.com. Send you mailing address and the products you want to purchase. You can then Venmo me at @David-Pregerson or mail a check. You will need to add ~$2.50 per book for shipping and handling.
Think Twice (pocket version)
Takes over where Don’t Try This at Home leaves off. More advice in the economy size that fits in your pocket. A great stocking-stuffer or party favor.
If “Buy now” buttons are malfunctioning you can instead email me at bradysan@hotmail.com. Send you mailing address and the products you want to purchase. You can then Venmo me at @David-Pregerson or mail a check. You will need to add ~$2.50 per book for shipping and handling.
For each $20 you donate 10 ER patients will get a free copy of the pocket version of Think Twice More Lessons from the ER
If “Buy now” buttons are malfunctioning you can instead email me at bradysan@hotmail.com. Send you mailing address and the products you want to purchase. You can then Venmo me at @David-Pregerson or mail a check. You will need to add ~$2.50 per book for shipping and handling.